AAS 198th Meeting, June 2001
Session 88. Seyfert Galaxies and QSOs
Oral, Thursday, June 7, 2001, 2:00-3:30pm, C107

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[88.06] \bf Testing Bipolar Relativistic Ejecta As Explanation for Pairs of X-ray Sources Across Disturbed and Seyfert Galaxies

L. M. Ozernoy (GMU and NASA/GSFC)

Pairs of X-ray sources have been found lying closely and symmetrically across to the nearby galaxy (for a recent review, see Arp [1]). The galaxies include NGC 4258 (a disturbed spiral), 1068 (SyG), 2639 (SyG), 3516 (SyG), 5985 (SyG), and IC 4553\equivArp 220 (ULIRG). The optical counterparts to those X-ray pairs turn out to be always redshifted, with z\gg zG, where zG is the galaxian redshift. Burbidge [2] proposed ejection of blobs from the nearby galaxy, assuming a substantial gravitational component of the redshift. Arp [1] supports an ejection model assuming the averaged redshifts of X-ray blobs be close to the quantized redshift peaks of quasars so that the ejection speed of the blobs is close to a fixed value ~0.1c. The above assumptions are not necessary if, as Ozernoy [3] has shown, the blobs are ejected from the galactic nuclei with equal relativistic velocities in the opposite directions (for an earlier work, see [4,5]). The validity of the relativistic ejection could be verified by measuring, with Hubble Space Telescope, substantial proper motions of the optical counterparts, which are expected to be different for the approaching (\mua) and receding (\mur) blobs. For Arp 220 blobs #9 and #2 [6], one expects \mua=0.79(D/72~{\rm Mpc})-1 mas/yr and \mur=0.78(D/72~ {\rm Mpc})-1 mas/yr, which corresponds to a superluminal apparent relative velocity 1.78c. For NGC 4258 blobs #8 and #26, the respective data are \mua=7.4(D/7~{\rm Mpc})-1 mas/yr and \mur=6.2(D/7~ {\rm Mpc})-1 mas/yr, which corresponds to vrel=1.51c. The kinematics of the model can be further tested by measuring another feature of a purely relativistic origin, viz., the projected distances to the approaching and receding blobs from the origin should be different due to the difference in the apparent~velocities.

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{ [1] Arp, H. astro-ph/0006422 (2000); [2] Burbidge, E.M. A&A 298, L1 (1995); [3] Ozernoy, L.M. Bull. Amer. Astr. Soc. 28, # 16.04 (1996) and 32, # 75.03 (2000); [4] Ozernoy, L.M. & Sazonov, V.N. Nature 219, 467 (1968); Astrophys. Space Sci. 3, 395 (1969); [5]~Blandford, R.D. & Königl, A. ApJ 232, 34 (1979); [6] Arp, H.C., Burbidge, E.M., Chu, Y. astro-ph/0101538 (2001). }

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The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: ozernoy@science.gmu.edu

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