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E. Wright (UCLA), NGSS Team
The Next Generation Sky Survey (NGSS) is an experiment designed to provide an all sky survey of unprecedented sensitivity in the mid-IR band from 3.5 to 23 \mum.
Scientific objectives to be addressed by NGSS include: (1) The nature of and evolutionary history of Ultra-Luminous InfraRed Galaxies: NGSS should find the most luminous galaxy in the Universe. (2) The old stellar content of normal galaxies: NGSS should provide 3.5 \mum photometry on 109 galaxies with a median redshift greater than 0.5. (3) The faintest, coldest stars: NGSS is sensitive to old, cold brown dwarf stars with temperatures below 1000 K. NGSS should discover the closest star to the Sun. (4) Solar System: NGSS should measure radiometric diameters and albedos for almost all known asteroids, and discover 500,000 new asteroids.
NGSS will use a 50 cm cryogenic telescope, 10242 infrared arrays, and observe from a IRAS/COBE style sun-synchronous high inclination low Earth orbit.
NGSS was proposed as a MIDEX in 1998 and selected for a Phase A study in 1999, but not selected for flight. NGSS will be reproposed in 2001.
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The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: wright@astro.ucla.edu