AAS 198th Meeting, June 2001
Session 70. Planets, Comets and Beyond
Display, Thursday, June 7, 2001, 9:20am-4:00pm, Exhibit Hall

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[70.02] Near-Infrared Spectra of Uranian Satellites

C.C. Venturini, D.K. Lynch, R.J. Rudy, S. Mazuk (The Aerospace Corporation), R.C. Puetter (UCSD/CASS)

We present 0.8 to 2.5 micron spectra taken on June 21 & 22, 1998 UT of the Uranian satellites Miranda, Titania, Ariel, Oberon, and Umbriel. The spectra were taken using The Aerospace Corporation's Near-Infrared Imaging Spectragraph (NIRIS) on the University of California's Lick Observatory 3 meter Shane telescope. These spectra will be compared with previous work including Brown, R.H. and Cruikshank, D.P. (1983) as well as more recent spectra and analysis by Grundy, W. et al. (1999). Support for this research was provided by The Aerospace Corporation's Independent Research and Development Program.

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