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B. Ali (IPAC/Caltech), A. Noriega-Crespo (SSC/IPAC/Caltech)
The L1641-N outflow region (part of the sourthern Orion A cloud) was imaged with ISOCAM in both broad-band (LW2, 7um and LW3, 15um) and narrow-band CVF (5-17 um) by the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) array CAMera (ISOCAM).
We present a new analysis this data set based on customized reduction schemes developed at IPAC as part of the IPAC ISO star-formation "templates" project. The purpose of the IPAC templates is to provide the best-possible, customized reduction of ISO data on all star-forming regions.
In this contribution we discuss ISOCAM reduction methods and present some preliminary results.