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M. Tamura, H. Suto, K. Murakawa, S. Hayashi, N. Kaifu (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan), Y. Itoh (Kobe University), M. Fukagawa, Y. Oasa, T. Naoi (University of Tokyo)
We describe a near-infrared coronagraphic camera built for use with the Subaru 8.2m telescope and its adaptive optics system. This instrument, CIAO, aims to obtain high-resolution (0.06 arcsec at 2 micron) images of faint objects in close vicinity of bright objects at near-infrared wavelengths. The coronagraphic optics are all cooled. Occulting masks whose diameter ranges from 0.1 to 3 arcsec and several types of Lyot stops are selectable. Standard broad-band imaging and a number of narow-band imaging are possible with or without coronagraph, with two pixel scales of 22 mas/pixel and 11 mas/pixel. Low resolution coronagraphic grism spectroscopy is also available. CIAO utilize one ALLADIN II (1024x1024 InSb) scince-grade array detector manufactured by Raytheon, covering the wavelengths from 1 to 5 micron.
CIAO will be very useful for studies of companion brown dwarfs and extra-solar planets, circumstelar disks around both young stelar obejcts and main-sequence stars, jets and outflows from both young stars and evolved stars, circumnuclear regions around AGNs, and host galaxies of QSOs.
We also present preliminary results from the first commissioning run with adaptive optics at the Subaru telescope.
The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: hide@subaru.naoj.org