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G. G. Williams, E. Olszewski, M. Lesser, J. Burge (Steward Observatory), Steward Observatory 90-Prime Team
Steward Observatory is currently constructing a prime focus wide-field imager for the 90-inch telescope located atop Kitt Peak. The camera's focal plane array will be populated with a mosaic of four thinned Lockheed 4096 x 4096 pixel CCDs. The f/2.98 primary provides a plate scale of 0.45''/pixel and a total field-of-view of 1.16 x 1.16 square degrees. The optical design includes a four element corrector and six position filter wheel. Engineering runs are scheduled to begin in July 2001. We describe the ``90-Prime'' instrument design and its current status. This work is supported by NSF grant AST-9871490.
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The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: gwilliams@as.arizona.edu