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N.S. Schulz, D. Huenemoerder (MIT), J.H. Kastner (RIT), J.C. Lee (MIT)
Trumpler 37 is with 3 Myr one of the youngest open clusters in our galaxy. The core of the cluster hosts the Trapezium-like complex HD 206267. Its main component is a young and hot O-star triplet. We observed HD 206267 twice with the Chandra HETGS at opposite orbital phases of its visual binary components. We fully resolved all trapezium comoponents in X-rays and found that except for the O-star triplet HD 206267/A, all components are highly variable. In total we detected 28 variable and embedded X-ray sources in the field of view. HD 206267/A itself appeared a factor 3 fainter as predicted from ROSAT. It HETGS spectra show very broad emission lines with velocities around 3000 km/s. At higher wavelength we oberved possible line doublets with a similar separation. These velocities are an order of magnitude higher than expected from known orbital motion. They are in the range of the maximum terminal velocity of its wind, which would place the emission region far away from the stellar surface. We discuss possible scenarios, including the possibility of colliding winds.