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C.D. Koresko (Infrared Processing and Analysis Center)
Speckle holography is an observational technique which relies on the presence of a PSF calibration star in the same field as the target of interest to produce images of diffraction-limited resolution and high dynamic range. The observations are simple and efficient, and do not require any specialized hardware beyond an imager capable of being read out fast enough to``freeze" the atmosphere (i.e., frame time ~100 mS in the near-IR) and an image scale sufficiently fine to Nyquist sample the telescope's diffraction limit. This poster presents a study of the real-world performance of the technique when used on the 10~m~Keck~1 telescope, and describes its application to the study of pre-main sequence visual binary stars.
The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: koresko@gps.caltech.edu