AAS 198th Meeting, June 2001
Session 48. YSOs
Display, Tuesday, June 5, 2001, 10:00am-6:30pm, Exhibit Hall

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[48.03] PSC4158+2805: A young star with a large edge-on disk and a bipolar jet!

F. Menard, C. Dougados, E. Magnier, J.-C. Cuillandre, G. Fahlman, T. Forveille, O. Lai, N. Manset, P. Martin, C. Veillet (CFHT)

In the course of a large and deep optical imaging survey covering more than 4 square degrees of the Taurus molecular cloud complex, the source PSC4158+2805 was imaged with CFH12k, a wide-field CCD mosaic imager operating at the prime focus of the Canada-France-Hawaii telescope. Images are obtained in RIz and Halpha. For the first time the source appears extended, very nebulous, and with a striking bipolar appearance. The dark lane is interpreted in terms of a disk seen quasi edge-on. Surprisingly for Taurus, it also appears in silhouette against the background. A jet is also detected in Halpha, perpendicular to the axis of the disk. Both sides of the jet are detected and a bow shock is seen more than 70 arcsecs to the North of the driving source. The jet is resolved and is not linear. PSC4158+2805 is very reminiscent of HH 30, an archetype of the low-mass star formation process. Properties of the disk and jets of this interesting new source will be discussed in details.

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