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C.A. Kulesa (Steward Observatory), A.L. Hungerford (Steward Observatory / Los Alamos National Laboratory), C.K. Walker (Steward Observatory), J.H. Black (Onsala Space Observatory)
The study of interstellar molecules provides unique insight into the physical conditions, composition, distribution and evolution of material in interstellar clouds and star-forming regions. Complementary infrared and submillimeter observations of the NGC 2024, NGC 2264, and zeta Oph and rho Oph molecular clouds are presented as a portion of an ongoing observational sample of diffuse and dark clouds. This comprehensive spectroscopic study allows the direct measurement of H2, H3+ , 12CO and 13CO via infrared absorption line spectroscopy along identical pencil-beam lines of sight toward obscured YSO's. Submillimeter-wave emission line techniques at the Antarctic Submillimeter Telescope and Remote Observatory (AST/RO) and the Heinrich Hertz Telescope (HHT) permit large scale mapping of the environments of star formation through CO, its rare isotopes, and photodissociated CI emission. In particular, 1600 arcmin2 maps of CO(4-3) and [C I] from the rho Oph molecular cloud are presented and allow for a unique characterization and interpretation of the physical structure of the \rho Oph molcular cloud and PDR. This study highlights the value of multiwavelength studies in deciphering the structure and evolution of molecular clouds and star-forming regions.
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The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: ckulesa@as.arizona.edu