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G. Cecil (UNC-CH), M. A. Dopita, B. Groves (Australian National University), P. Ferruit, E. Pecontal (Observatoire de Lyon, France), A. S. Wilson (UMd-College Park), L. Binette (INAM, Mexico)
A grid of deep HST/STIS M-grating spectra resolve completely the [O III] & H\beta line profiles across most of the NLR of NGC 1068, and are compared to emission-line structures visible in the FOC image. We find emission knots with radial velocities blueshifted consistently by up to 3200 km s-1 relative to galaxy systemic, that lie 35 to 70 pc NE of the nucleus up to 35 pc from the radio jet, emit several % of the NLR line flux, coincide with a region of collisionally ionized X-ray & IR coronal-line emitting gas, show gradients in radial velocities of up to 2000 km s-1 in 7 pc, have total velocity extents of up to 1250 km s-1, have ionization parameters >>1, ionized masses ~100 Msun (for density 104 cm-3), and follow the overall trend of radial acceleration from the nucleus. We argue that the knots are ablata undergoing radiative acceleration from jet-agitated massive clouds. Integral-field spectra from the CFHT are used to constrain properties of the knots and clouds. The knots are good candidates for the UV associated absorbers seen projected on the continua of other AGN.
Work supported by NASA grant GO-7353 from STScI
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