AAS 198th Meeting, June 2001
Session 21. Cosmology and Dark Matter
Oral, Monday, June 4, 2001, 10:00-11:30am, C105

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[21.07] Dark Matter Confutes Fundamental Astrophysical Tenet

R. K. Soberman (The Franklin Institute, retired), M. Dubin (NASA, retired)

The existence of gravitationally interactive dark matter proves the Russell-Vogt theorem, a fundamental tenet upon which star and stellar evolution models were built, was an erroneous assumption. As pervasive dark matter is drawn into stars, their mass must increase with time. The nature of dark matter was discovered and measured in the meteoroid experiments carried by Pioneer 10 and 11. As weakly bound hydrogen dominated aggregates, termed cosmoids (a contraction of cosmic meteoroids), they overcome radiation heat and pressure to impact the Sun. Many measurements show this population reaching the Sun, Earth and other planets. The properties that allowed this population to avoid detection during intensive several decade searches will be listed. Measured deceleration of Pioneer 10 and the two Voyager spacecraft establish a sizable mass of this dark matter exists in the solar system. Two independent calculations establish the Sun, a typical star, gains approximately 10-10 solar masses per year.

Intermittent NASA funding made this study possible.

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The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: soberman@sas.upenn.edu

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