AAS 198th Meeting, June 2001
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 34. Interacting Galaxies: A Multi-wavelength Look at their Role in Galactic and Cosmic Evolution
Topical Session Oral, Tuesday, June 5, 2001,
8:30am-12:30pm, 2:00-5:30pm, C106
- 34.01 Arp Atlas Galaxies: Peculiar or Prescient?
- B.F. Madore (NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database)
- 34.02 Galaxy Interactions: Overview
- F. Schweizer (Carnegie Observatories)
- 34.03 The Fate of Gas in Merger Remnants: an HI perspective
- J. H. van Gorkom (Columbia University)
- 34.04 Dynamical Modeling of Interacting Galaxies: Observations Confront Theory
- C. Mihos (CWRU)
- 34.05 OH Megamasers: Luminous Radio Beacons of Merging Galaxies
- J. Darling, R. Giovanelli (Cornell University)
- 34.06 Structure Formation in Tidal Debris
- J. E. Hibbard (NRAO)
- 34.07 Ultraviolet Observations of Infrared-Luminous Merging Galaxies
- J.A. Surace (SIRTF Science Center)
- 34.08 The Merger-Starburst-AGN Connection in QSOs
- G. Canalizo (LLNL)
- 34.09 The Mass Function of Supergiant Molecular Complexes in the Antennae Galaxies
- C.D. Wilson (McMaster), N.Z. Scoville (Caltech), S.C. Madden (Saclay), V. Charmandaris (Cornell)
- 34.10 H2/CO in Mergers/ULIRGs:feeding the Central Source
- N. Scoville (Caltech)
- 34.11 HST NICMOS Observations of Infrared Luminous Galaxy Mergers
- A.S. Evans (SUNY at Stony Brook)
- 34.12 Dust and Mid-Infrared Properties of Interacting Galaxies
- V. Charmandaris (Cornell University)
- 34.13 Radio Continuum and FIR Properties of Interacting Galaxies
- M. Yun (University of Massachusetts)
- 34.14 Gas Concentrations in the Disk-disk Overlapping Regions
- Y. Gao (IPAC, Caltech)
- 34.15 X-ray Properties of Interacting Galaxies / Chandra Results
- G. Fabbiano (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
- 34.16 Imaging Study of a Complete Sample of Luminous Infrared Galaxies
- C.M. Ishida, D.B. Sanders (Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii)
- 34.17 The Evolution of Galaxy Mergers to z ~ 3.5
- C.J. Conselice (STScI), M.A. Bershady (U. Wisconsin-Madison), M Dickinson (STScI)
- 34.18 Detecting Molecules in High-z Mergers with ALMA
- F. Combes (Observatoire de Paris)
- 34.19 Observational Constraints on Building Galaxies Through Mergers
- M. Bershady (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- 34.20 Cosmological Implications of the SCUBA Sources
- A. W. Blain (Institute of Astronomy, UK)
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