AAS 198th Meeting, June 2001
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 46. Variable and Binary Stars - Photometry
Display, Tuesday, June 5, 2001,
10:00am-6:30pm, Exhibit Hall
- 46.01 Stellar Astrophysics Using Ultra-High Precision CCD Time Series Photometry
- S. Howell, M. Everett, M. Huber (Astrophysics Group, Planetary Science Instiutute), D. Ciardi (University of Florida), G. van Belle (JPL/Keck)
- 46.02 CCD Photometry of RR Lyrae Variables in The Globular Cluster M53
- S. Sohn (Center for Space Astrophysics, Yonsei U. & Dept. of Astronomy, U. Virginia), S.-C. Rey, Y.-W. Lee (Center for Space Astrophysics, Yonsei U.), B. Chaboyer (Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Dartmouth College)
- 46.03 The Changing Blazhko Effect of XZ Cygni
- H.A. Smith, A. LaCluyze, E.-M. Gill, A. Hedden, K. Kinemuchi, A.M. Rosas, B.J. Pritzl, B. Sharpee, K. Robinson (Mich. State), M. Baldwin, G. Samolyk (AAVSO)
- 46.04 When the Sun was Young: A Multi-frequency Study of the Young Solar Analog HD 129333 (= EK Dra)
- J.M. DePasquale, J.J. Bochanski, E.F. Guinan, I. Ribas, G.P. McCook (Villanova University), J.D. Dorren (Edinburgh), M. Guedel (ETHZ)
- 46.05 Variable Stars in the Draco Dwarf Galaxy
- K. Kinemuchi (Mich. State University), H. C. Harris (USNO), H. A. Smith (Mich. State University), N. Silbermann (SIRTF Science Center), A. LaCluyze, C. L. Clark (Mich. State University)
- 46.06 Long-term Photometric Variation of Rapidly Rotating Young Open Cluster Stars
- C. A. GrandPre, D. E. Backman (Franklin and Marshall College), L. A. Marschall (Gettysburg College), J. R. Stauffer (SIRTF Science Center)
- 46.07 Crabs and Butterflies: Does WY Cancri Have Latitudinal Spot Migration Patterns?
- P.A. Heckert (Western Carolina U.)
- 46.08 The Meeting in Honor of Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin
- A. G. D. Philip (ISO & Union College), R. A. Koopmann (Union College)
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