AAS 198th Meeting, June 2001
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 78. A New Look at Quasars - Recent Results from the SDSS
Special Session Oral, Thursday, June 7, 2001,
10:00-11:30am, C101-104
- 78.01 The SDSS Quasar Survey
- D.P. Schneider (The Pennsylvania State University), SDSS Collaboration
- 78.02 The Color-Redshift Relation for Quasars
- G.T. Richards (Penn State), SDSS Collaboration
- 78.03 Quasar Clustering in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- D. E. Vanden Berk (Fermilab), SDSS Collaboration
- 78.04 SDSS-FIRST Sources and Radio BAL Quasars
- K. Menou, Z. Ivezic (Princeton University), D.E. vanden Berk (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory), R. S. J. Kim, G. R. Knapp (Princeton University), G. T. Richards (Pennsylvania State University), I. Strateva (Princeton University), X. Fan (Institute for Advanced Study), J. E. Gunn (Princeton University), P. B. Hall (Princeton University and Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile), T. Heckman, J. Krolik (Johns Hopkins University), R. H. Lupton (Princeton University), D. P. Schneider (Pennsylvania State University), D. G. York (University of Chicago and Enrico Fermi Institute), SDSS Collaboration
- 78.05 The SDSS QSO Absorption Line Catalog
- D. G. York (Univ. of ChicagoSD), SDSS Collaboration
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