AAS 198th Meeting, June 2001
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 83. The Promise and Pitfalls of High Contrast Imaging
Special Session Oral, Thursday, June 7, 2001,
10:00-11:30am, C212-214
- 83.01 HST/STIS Imaging of the HR 4796A Debris Ring
- G. Schneider (Steward Observatory, University of Arizona)
- 83.02 High contrast imaging with the Hubble Space Telescope
- J.E. Krist (Space Telescope Science Institute)
- 83.03 High Contrast Imaging Science with Adaptive Optics
- W. Brandner (ESO)
- 83.04 Extreme AO: The future of high-contrast imaging with adaptive optics
- B. Macintosh (LLNL)
- 83.05 High-Contrast Imaging with Future Filled-Aperture Space Observatories
- J. T. Trauger (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
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