DPS 2001 meeting, November 2001
Session 60. Extra-Solar Planets
Oral, Chairs: M. Kuchner, M. McGrath, Saturday, December 1, 2001, 2:30-4:10pm, Regency GH

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[60.03] Searching for Jovian planets around brown dwarfs and white dwarfs

E. L. Martin, M. Connelley (University of Hawaii, Institute for Astronomy)

We present first results of an ongoing survey for giant gas planets orbiting brown dwarfs and white dwarfs. The data are being obtained with adptive optics systems at the Gemini North 8 meter telescope and the Keck 10 meter telescope. We are also using the Hubble Space Telescope to discover companions to brown dwarfs in the solar neighborhood and in open clusters. The sensitivity of our observations allow to detect Jovian planets at distances comparable to those of giant planets in the Solar System. The current status of the survey will be discussed.

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