DPS 2001 meeting, November 2001
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 22. Outer Planet Atmospheres II: Chemistry and Thermal Structure

Oral, Chairs: K. Rages, J. Moses, Wednesday,
November 28, 2001, 3:00-4:30pm, Regency E

22.01 Acoustic Wave Dissipation and Heating of Jupiter's Thermosphere
G. Schubert (Space Science Applications Lab., The Aerospace Corporation and Dept. of Earth & Space Sciences, IGPP, UCLA), M. P. Hickey (Clemson Univ.), R. L. Walterscheid (Space Sciences Applications Lab., The Aerospace Corporation)
22.02 Gravity Wave-Driven Fluctuations in the H3+ Emission of Jupiter
K. Matcheva, P. Drossart, E. Raynaud, B. Sicardy, T. Widemann (DESPA, Paris Observatory)
22.03 Cloud Structure on Uranus in 2001
H. B. Hammel (SSI), K. A. Rages (SPRI/Ames), G. W. Lockwood (Lowell), M. Marley (Ames)
22.04 Variability on Uranus and Neptune during HST Cycle 9
K. A. Rages (SPRI/NASA Ames), H. B. Hammel (SSI), G. W. Lockwood (Lowell Observatory), M. Marley (NASA Ames)
22.05 The Morphology and Motions of storm features on Neptune on minute and hour timescales
S.C. Martin, I. de Pater, H. Roe (UC Berkeley), B. Macintosh, S. Gibbard, C.E. Max (IGPP/LLNL)
22.06 The Hydrogen Ortho-to-Para Ratio in the Stratosphere of the Giant Planets
T. Fouchet (AOPP, Univ. Oxford), E. Lellouch (DESPA, Obs. Paris-Meudon), H. Feuchtgruber (MPIE, Garching)
22.07 Detection of Ethylene (C2H4) on Jupiter and Saturn in Non--Auroral Regions
B. Bézard (Obs. Paris-Meudon), J.I. Moses (Lunar and Planetary Inst.), J. Lacy, T. Greathouse, M. Richter (U.\ Texas), C. Griffith (Northern Arizona Univ.)
22.08 Rate Constant for the CH3 Recombination Reaction at T = 155K: A Loss Process in Outer Planet Atmospheres
R.J. Cody, L.J. Stief (NASA/GSFC), F.L. Nesbitt (Coppin State College), M.A. Iannone (Millersville University)
22.09 Importance of Recent CH3 Recombination Rate Measurements for Methane Photochemical Models
P. N. Romani (NASA - GSFC), D. C. Tardy (Dept. of Chemistry, U. Iowa)

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