DPS 2001 meeting, November 2001
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 27. Mars Atmosphere I: Circulation

Oral, Chairs: J. Hollingsworth, A. Toigo, Thursday,
November 29, 2001, 10:30am-12:30pm, Regency E

27.01 Hemispheric Asymmetry in Mars' Mean Meridional Circulation
J.L. Hollingsworth (NASA Ames/SJSU Foundation), R.M. Haberle (NASA Ames), J. Schaeffer (Raytheon STX Corp)
27.02 Fundamental Asymmetry in the Martian Circulation and Climate Resulting from the Global Topographic Dichotomy
M.I. Richardson (Caltech), R.J. Wilson (NOAA/GFDL)
27.03 A Comparison of Mars GCM Carbon Dioxide Cloud Simulations with TES Polar Observations
A. Colaprete, R. M. Haberle (NASA Ames)
27.04 GCM simulations of the current Martian water cycle: clouds and dynamical leverage
A.V Rodin (Space Research Institude, Moscow), R.J. Wilson (GFDL/NOAA), M.I. Richardson (Caltech)
27.05 The effects of atmospheric dust on the sublimation of CO2 on Mars
B. Bonev, P.B. James, J.E. Bjorkman (University of Toledo), M.J. Wolff (Space Science Institute)
27.06 Asynoptic Fourier Transform Analyses of MGS TES Data: Transient Baroclinic Eddies
J.R. Barnes (Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State U.)
27.07 MGS Radio Science measurements of transient eddies on Mars
D. P. Hinson (Stanford Univ.), R. J. Wilson (GFDL/NOAA)
27.08 Towards more accurate GCM simulations of observed MGS-TES stationary wave structures in Mars' atmosphere.
A.F.C. Bridger (San Jose State University), D. Banfield (Cornell University), J.L. Hollingsworth (NASA Ames Research Center)
27.09 The Mars Exploration Rovers: A Meteorological Tale of Four Landing Sites
A. D. Toigo (Cornell University), M. I. Richardson (California Insitute of Technology)
27.10 Mesoscale Model Predictions of High Priority 2003 Lander Locations
S. C. R. Rafkin (San Jose State University)
27.11 Intercomparison of radiation codes for Mars models
H. Savijarvi (UH/PHYS/ATM), D. Crisp (JPL), A.-M. Harri (FMI/GEO)
27.12 Noncondensables As Predictors of Martian Climate and Chemistry
C. England (Engineering Research Group), M.L. Delitsky (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)

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