DPS 2001 meeting, November 2001
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 62. Laboratory Studies

Oral, Chairs: R. Wu, R. Hudson, Saturday,
December 1, 2001, 4:40-5:50pm, Regency GH

62.01 Generation of Na atmospheres by Sputtering and Thermal Desorption
C.A. Dukes, R.A. Baragiola (University of Virginia)
62.02 Systematic Study of the Light Scattering by Aggregates Using Microwave Analog Experiments and Multifactor Analysis
L. Kolokolova, B. A. S. Gustafson (University of Florida)
62.03 Scattering Properties of Planetary Regolith Analogs with Particle Sizes Larger and Smaller than the Wavelength
J.L. Piatek, B. Hapke (University of Pittsburgh), R.M. Nelson, W.D. Smythe, A. Snyder Hale (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
62.04 IR Studies of Irradiated N2 Ices Containing CH4 and CO: Implications for Triton and Pluto
M. H. Moore (Nasa/Goddard Space Flight Center), R. L. Hudson (Eckerd College), R. F. Ferrante (US Naval Academy)
62.05 The Formation of Nitrogen-Containing Ions on Outer Solar System Objects
R. L. Hudson (Eckerd College, Florida), M. H. Moore (NASA/GSFC, Maryland)
62.06 Low Temperature Reflectance Spectra of Titan Tholins
T.L. Roush (NASA Ames Research Center), J.B. Dalton (NRC/NASA Ames)
62.07 The Heat of Sublimation of solid Methane from 63 to 90 K
R. N. Nelson (NASA - GSFC / CUA), J. E., Jr. Allen, (NASA - GSFC)

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