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R. Woodruff (Boeing SVS), S. Varlese, T. Valle (Ball Aerospace), M. Clampin (STScI), H. Ford (JHU), G. Illingworth (UCO Lick), L. Petro, J. Krist (STScI), C. Ftaclas (MTU), J. Nelson (UCO Lick), JPF Science Team
The Jovian Planet Finder (JPF) employs a 1.46-m diameter, compact off-axis telescope, super smooth mirrors, COSTAR-like corrector mirror, and coronagraph to achieve 1E3 reduction of the PSF surface brightness at 1-arcsec field angle and 0.5-micron observing wavelength. This performance enables detection of Exo-Jovian Planets (EJPs) orbiting nearby stars, which is the primary science objective of this MidEx mission. Fabrication of the JPF optical system employs technololgy developed for Extreme UltraViolet semiconductor photolithography. That technology has demonstrated 0.26-nm rms surface roughness in the mid-spatial frequency range of 5 � 50 cy/aperture. A COSTAR-like corrector mirror will correct the as-manufactured system wave front to 0.5-nm.