AAS 199th meeting, Washington, DC, January 2002
Session 116. Cosmology with SNAP
Oral, Wednesday, January 9, 2002, 2:00-3:30pm, International Ballroom West

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[116.04] Sensitivities and Speeds for Future Space- and Ground-based Imaging Surveys

G. M. Bernstein (Univ. of Michigan)

I analyse the capabilities of the proposed SNAP and LSST imaging survey telescopes using the {\tt ETC++} exposure-time calculator software. These programs can calculate sensitivities for point-source photometry or astrometry, and for photometry or weak-lensing shape measurements of galaxies. The calculations properly account for diffraction, seeing, undersampling, cosmic rays, and intrapixel sensitivity variations. The relative strengths of the ground-based and spaced-based approaches are readily apparent, and we can also address common questions such as the best choice of pixel scale and dithering pattern.

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