AAS 199th meeting, Washington, DC, January 2002
Session 134. Formation of Massive Stars
Display, Thursday, January 10, 2002, 9:20am-4:00pm, Exhibit Hall

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[134.18] Proper Motions of Water Masers in Ceph A HW 2

J. F. Gallimore (Bucknell University), R. Cool (University of Wyoming), M. D. Thornley (Bucknell University)

Torrelles and collaborators (2001) observed water masers in the star forming region Ceph A HW2 with the VLBA, which revealed linear and arcuate structures and rapid proper motions. We observed the same region using the MERLIN telescope; the VLBA and MERLIN observing epochs are separated by 4 years. We present an analysis of the proper motions and the evolution of the water maser structures.

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