AAS 199th meeting, Washington, DC, January 2002
Session 85. The Galactic Center
Display, Wednesday, January 9, 2002, 9:20am-6:30pm, Monroe/Lincoln

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[85.07] Low Frequency Radio Transients in the Galactic Center

S.D. Hyman, A.L. Bartleson (Sweet Briar College), T.J.W. Lazio, N.E. Kassim (Naval Research Laboratory)

We report the detection of a new radio transient source, GCRT J1746-2757, located only 1.1 degrees north of the Galactic center. Consistent with other radio transients toward the Galactic center, this source brightened and faded on a time scale of a few months. No X-ray counterpart was detected, but upper limits suggest that GCRT J1746-2757 may have been a �fast� transient, with a time scale of days. We also report new 0.33 GHz measurements of the radio counterpart to the X-ray transient source, XTE J1748-288, previously detected and monitored at higher radio frequencies. We show that the spectrum of XTE J1748-288 steepened considerably during a period of a few months after its peak. We also discuss the need for a more efficient means of finding additional radio transients.

This research is supported by funding from the Jeffress Memorial Trust, Research Corporation, and the Sweet Briar College Faculty Grants program. Basic research in radio astronomy at NRL is supported by the Office of Naval Research.

The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: hyman@sbc.edu

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