AAS 199th meeting, Washington, DC, January 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 131. QSO Absorption Lines

Display, Thursday, January 10, 2002, 9:20am-4:00pm, Exhibit Hall

131.01 Using QSO Absorption-line Catalogs to Probe Large-scale Structure
A.P.S. Crotts (Columbia U.)
131.02 Metallicity Evolution in Damped Lyman-alpha Absorbers
V. P. Kulkarni (Univ. of South Carolina), S. M. Fall (Space Telescope Science Institute)
131.03 The Heavy Element Enrichment of a Lya Cloud in the Virgo Cluster
T. M. Tripp, E. B. Jenkins (Princeton University), G. M. Williger (JHU), S. R. Heap (NASA-Goddard), STIS ID Team
131.04 Comparing Simulations and Observations of the Lyman-Alpha Forest II. The Coherence Length at z ~2
C.E. Petry, C.D. Impey (Steward Obs.), N.S. Katz (U. Massachusetts), D.H. Weinberg (Ohio State U.), L.E. Hernquist (Harvard U.)
131.05 High Resolution Absorption Lines in the Double Line-of-Sight of Q0957+561
R. R. Mellon, C. W. Churchill (Penn State), S. S. Vogt (UCO/Lick, UCSC)
131.06 The Multiphase Absorption Systems Toward PG 1206+459
J. Ding, C. W. Churchill, J. C. Charlton (Penn State University)

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