AAS 199th meeting, Washington, DC, January 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 65. FUSE Only
Display, Tuesday, January 8, 2002,
9:20am-6:30pm, Exhibit Hall
- 65.01 Illuminating Trends in ISM Elemental Abundances Revealed by STIS and FUSE Observations
- S.I.B. Cartledge, D.M. Meyer, J.T. Lauroesch (Northwestern U.), U.J. Sofia (Whitman College)
- 65.02 FUSE Observations of O VI Overlying the Scutum Supershell
- N. C. Sterling (University of Texas - Austin), B. D. Savage, P. Richter, D. Fabian (University of Wisconsin - Madison), K. R. Sembach (Johns Hopkins University)
- 65.03 Absorption Line Studies of the Elongated Cyg OB1 Superbubble
- J. Lauer, J. Nichols, J. Slavin (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
- 65.04 Distribution and Kinematics of O VI in the Milky Way Halo
- B. D. Savage (U. Wisconsin-Madison), K. R. Sembach (STScI), B. P. Wakker, P. Richter, M. Meade (W.Wisconsin-Madison), FUSE Science Team
- 65.05 FUSE Observations of IC 63
- B-G Andersson, S.R. McCandliss (CAS/JHU), E.B. Burgh (U.W.-Madison), K.E.S. Ford, D.A. Neufeld (CAS/JHU), S.R. Federman (U. Toledo)
- 65.06 FUSE Observations of the Magellanic Bridge
- N. Lehner (Johns Hopkins University)
- 65.07 FUSE Observations of Degree-Scale Variations in Galactic Halo O VI
- J.C. Howk (Johns Hopkins), B.D. Savage (Wisc), K.R. Sembach (STScI), C.G. Hoopes (Johns Hopkins)
- 65.08 The FUSE survey of Galactic OVI
- B.P. Wakker, B.D. Savage (University of Wisconsin-Madison), K.R. Sembach (Space Telescope Science Institute), P. Richter, M. Meade (University of Wisconsin-Madison), FUSE Science Team
- 65.09 FUSE and STIS Study of the Physical Conditions in the Gas Toward HD185418.
- P. Sonnentrucker, S. D. Friedman (JHU), D. E. Welty, D. G. York (U. Chicago), T. P. Snow (U. Colorado)
- 65.10 FUSE Survey of HD Molecule in the ISM
- S. Lacour, P. Sonnentrucker (JHU), R. Ferlet, M. Andre, J-M. Desert (IAP), E. Roueff, F. Le Petit (OBSPM)
- 65.11 A FUSE Survey of Interstellar Molecular Hydrogen in Translucent Clouds
- B.L. Rachford, T.P. Snow, J. Tumlinson, J.M. Shull (U. Colorado), W.P. Blair (JHU), R. Ferlet (IAP), S.D. Friedman (JHU), C. Gry (ISO Data Center), E.B. Jenkins (Princeton), D.C. Morton (NRC/HIA), B.D. Savage (U. Wisconsin), K.R. Sembach (STScI), P. Sonnentrucker (JHU), A. Vidal-Madjar (IAP), D.E. Welty, D.G. York (U. Chicago)
- 65.12 FUSE Detection of O VI Emission
- S. Sallmen, B.Y. Welsh, O.H.W. Siegmund (Space Sciences Lab, UC Berkeley), R. Lallement (Service d'Aeronomie du CNRS, France)
- 65.13 Deuterium abundance in the interstellar medium: Four new targets observed with FUSE
- G. Hébrard (CNRS/IAP), P. Chayer (UVIC/JHU), J.-M. Désert (CNRS/IAP), S.D. Friedman, J.C. Howk (JHU), A. Lecavelier des Étangs, M. Lemoine (CNRS/IAP)
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