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M.S. Wheatland (University of Sydney)
An explanation for the observed frequency distribution of flare energies is given, based on independent flaring at a number of distinct topological structures (separators) within active region magnetic fields. The approach modifies and generalises a recent model due to Craig (2001), and reconciles that model with the observed flare waiting-time distribution, and the observed absence of a flare waiting-time vs. energy relationship. The basic assumptions of the model are that flares of energy E\propto l2 occur at separators of length l, and that the frequency of flaring at a separator is defined by the Alfvén transit time of the structure. To reproduce the observed distribution of flare energies the model requires a probability distribution P(l)\propto l-1 of separator lengths l within active regions. This prediction of the model is in principle testable. A theoretical origin for this distribution is also discussed.
The author acknowledges the support of an Australian Research Council QEII Fellowship.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34
© 2002. The American Astronomical Soceity.