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J-D. Mulholland (Institut Azur Espace)
Replace these paragraphs with your abstract. We encourage you to include a sentence acknowledging your funding agency.
The purpose of this Topical Session is to bring together for the first time at AAS astronomically-significant facets of both natural cosmic particles and manmade spacecraft detritus (cf my abstract ``Light and Heavy Pollution", for the 199th meeting last January). Both types of particle impact orbiting instruments, manned spacecraft -- & sometimes even Earth -- at > 10km/sec. The target doesn't care the origin of the impactor, only that it's performance risks degradation or even its very existence. Thus space astronomers must be concerned about the full range of known dangers. We have organized this Topical Session in assembling a wide range of talks on different aspects of the subject. My rôle is to give a short overview, some examples and some preliminary interpretation. At the end, I will present a synthesis and wrap-up, with discussion.
The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: brigadee@rivieramail.com
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34
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