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C.L. Carilli (NRAO)
I will review radio observations of high redshift star forming galaxies. Radio surveys with microJy sensitivity are dominated by star forming galaxies, the majority of which are intermediate redshift (z <= 1), intermediate luminosity galaxies. A minority (25 faint, and are likely to be at high redshift. This latter population overlaps very closely with the recently discovered (sub)mm galaxies. These sources appear to be dust-obscured active star forming galaxies at z > 2. They make a significant (dominant?) contribution to the cosmic star formation rate density at high z. A number of authors have suggested that this population may represent the formation of elliptical galaxies and galactic bulges at 2 < z < 5. Radio observations of these systems provide a dust-unbiased measure of the star formation rates, plus the sub-arcsecond astrometry required for near-IR source identification. Comparing radio and (sub)mm data is the only means currently available for estimating source redshifts for most sources. VLBI observations of the sources can be used to differentiate between AGN and starbursts. I will also review VLA observations of low order CO emission from high z QSOs. These data constrain the spatial distribution of the molecular gas, the total gas masses, and the excitation conditions. I will consider these results in the context of co-eval black hole and bulge formation based on the black hole mass - bulge stellar velocity dispersion relation. I will conclude with a discussion of future radio telescopes and their potential for studying galaxy formation.
The NRAO is facility of the NSF, operated by AUI.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34
© 2002. The American Astronomical Soceity.