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G.A. Chapman, A.M. Cookson, J.J. Dobias, S.R. Walton (San Fernando Observatory, California State University, Northridge)
Daily images are obtained at the San Fernando Observatory (SFO) of the full solar disk with two photometric telescopes, CFDT1 and CFDT2. CFDT1 produces images with 5" x 5" pixels while CFDT2 produces images with 2.5" x 2.5" pixels. In a previous paper (Chapman et al. 1994) we reported on the bolometric contrast of sunspots using red images from CFDT1. The bolometric contrast, \alphaeff, is heuristically defined as \alphaeff~=~Dr/(2~\times~PSI), where Dr is the photometric deficit in the red image and PSI is the usual Photometric Sunspot Index. Here, we will report on studies of the bolometric contrast from red CFDT2 images. We will examine the effects of higher spatial resolution and we will look for differences in the bolometric contrast between cycle 22 and 23. This research was partially supported by grants from NSF (ATM-9912132) and NASA (NAG5-7191).
Reference: Chapman, G.A., Cookson, A.M. and Dobias, J.J. 1994, Ap.J. 432, 403.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34
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