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K. D. Leka (Colorado Research Associates Div., NWRA)
In an ideal homogeneous atmosphere with minimal complications from gradients or unresolved features, photospheric Stokes Spectra should have a straightforward pattern that is symmetric in wavelength for linear polarization and anti-symmetric for circular. Deviations from these idealized shapes can indicate gradients in the magnetic field, in the velocity of plasma flows (see, e.g., Leka & Steiner 2001), and completely different atmospheres that are unresolved within the pixel. Using Stokes spectra from the NSO/HAO Advanced Stokes Polarimeter of a sunspot obtained with high (sub-arcsecond) spatial resolution, we examine the systematic patterns of asymmetries and multiple-lobes in the spectra over the sunspot. Initial results indicate the presence of high-velocity and even supersonic flows in and around sunspot penumbrae, accompanied by multiple magnetic components (of the same and/or opposite sign) throughout the sunspot structures.
This work was funded by NSF-ATM970782.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34
© 2002. The American Astronomical Soceity.