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P.R. Goode (Big Bear Solar Observatory, NJIT)
The origin of the excitation of solar oscillations is reviewed, as well as the seemingly common source of intermittant chromospheric bright points.
We review how solar oscillations are excited in seismic events that occur very near the solar surface in the dark, inter-granular lanes in a process that is associated with a catastrophic collapse of the lanes in regions of vanishingly weak magnetic field. The key observations measure the velocity field at several altitudes in the photosphere, so that one can distinguish p-mode power from seismic event power, since both have their power in the same region of the k-omega diagram generally associated with p-modes.
We discuss co-incident observations of large seimic events and intermittant chromospheric bright points that seem to reveal that the bright points occur above large seismic events shortly after the events peak.
This work was supported by NASA-NAG5-9682 and NSF-ATM-00-86999.
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