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B.V. Jackson (CASS/UCSD)
Coronal magnetic fields are considered a key driver of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs). The interior regions of CMEs, including their associated prominences, often appear to erupt as ropes of coronal flux. In situ observations from space reveal that interplanetary CMEs (ICMEs) can be associated with strong, rotating magnetic fields (clouds) that can often be modeled as flux ropes. Both the internal fields of CMEs and their interaction with quasi-steady heliospheric magnetic structures influence their propagation and structural development. However, there is only indirect evidence that coronal magnetic fields directly power the CME eruption, or how or even if solar surface magnetic fields change in response to a CME. I will briefly review current observations of the relationship between magnetic fields and CMEs, and show the effects of their propagation through the interplanetary medium.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34
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