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S. Akiyama (GMU), G.A. Doschek, J.T. Mariska (NRL)
We report nonthermal turbulence velocities of spectral lines of O IV \lambda1401.16 and Si IV \lambda1402.77 observed with SUMER spectrometer abord SOHO spacecraft. In ionization equilibrium, the electron temperatures of these ions are 1.6X105 and 6.3X104 K, respectively. Although their spectral line intensities and ratio are vely similar at the quiet area in the lower solar transition region in spite of differential emission measures (Doschek & Mariska 2001). Since these observations help to understand the physical property and the morphology of the transition region, we take note of nonthermal turbulence velocities in this study and compare O IV with Si IV lines using by the observational data of Doschek & Mariska (2001). In order to improve in accuracy, we select the points which error of turbulence velocity are less then 10 % of turbulence velocity both O IV and Si IV line. In the result, the correlation of turbulence velocity between O IV and Si IV is 0.846, we can see strong correlation at the bright points in the quiet region. We discuss the implications of these results for the physical conditions of the transition region.
The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: akiyama@solar.isas.ac.jp
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34
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