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A. Hungerford, C. Fryer, M. Warren (LANL)
We present 3-dimensional SPH simulations of supernova explosions from 100 seconds to 1 year after core-bounce. By extending our modelling efforts to a 3D hydrodynamics treatment, we are able to investigate the effects of explosion asymmetries on mixing and gamma-ray line emergence in supernovae. A series of initial explosion conditions are implemented, including jet-like and equatorial asymmetries of varying degree (guided by the simulations of Fryer & Heger 2000). Symmetric explosion conditions are modelled as well, for comparison to past investigations in 2D. A series of time slices from the explosion evolution are further analyzed using a 3D Monte Carlo gamma-ray transport code. The emergent hard X- and gamma-ray spectra are calculated as a function of both viewing angle and time, including trends in the gamma-ray line profiles. We find significant differences in the velocity distribution of radioactive nickel between the symmetric and asymmetric explosion models. The effects of this spatial distribution change are reflected in the overall high energy spectrum, as well as in the individual gamma-ray line profiles.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34
© 2002. The American Astronomical Soceity.