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N. E. Hurlburt, S. Freeland (Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory), P. Bose, M. Woodward (Lockheed Martin Advanced Software Technology Laboratory)
The success of NASA's Living with a Star Program depends upon coordinated, distributed data systems which share many features with the Virtual Observatory. Data from a variety of instruments including images, spectra and in situ measurements must be fused to unveil the complexities of space weather. We demonstrate a prototype system for such coordinated, distributed data analysis based upon software agents technologies and SolarSoft (Freeland and Handy 1998). Researchers use the system to develop process maps which merge distributed data archives and servers into a virtual data analysis system. Sophisticated image and time-series processing can be coordinated between data centers while minimizing the amount of data transferred between them and optimizing the delivery of pertinent and refined data to the requestor.
Freeland, S. and Handy, B., 1998 Sol. Phys. 182,497
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34
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