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K.J. Gressett, J.A. Pintar, C.G. Toner (GONG-NSO)
The Global Oscillation Network Group has finished upgrading its CCD cameras from 256 by 242 pixels (``GONG Classic") to 1024 by 1024 pixels (``GONG+"). Power spectra have been produced for a range of spherical harmonic degrees from 0 through 1200 using the merged time series of a network day assembled from the GONG+ observing sites. These spectra illustrate the spatial resolution of the GONG+ network as well as the effectiveness of the merging process at high degrees and indicate that the GONG+ network will produce useful information to the limits set by the atmosphere and the instrumentation optics.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34
© 2002. The American Astronomical Soceity.