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J. E. Krist, M. Clampin (STScI), H. C. Ford (JHU), G. D. Illingworth (UCSC), L. Petro (STScI)
Proposed concepts for direct detection of extrasolar planets all require stringent wavefront correction and suppression of optical diffraction in systems with very high stability. Some of these concepts include shaped and apodized apertures and optimized Lyot coronagraphs. We compare the performance of each approach for a similar set of optical fabrication or wavefront correction errors and observing constraints. We find no strong advantages for the shaped or apodized apertures over the Lyot coronagraph for realistic optical systems. We present the results in the context of requirements for future medium and observatory-class space missions aimed at the detection of extrasolar planets and protoplanetary disks.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34
© 2002. The American Astronomical Soceity.