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S. Krucker, R.P. Lin, A. Caspi, H. Hudson (Space Sciences Lab, UC Berkeley), R.S. Schwartz (NASA/GSFC), C.M. Johns-Krull (Rice University), RHESSI Team
First RHESSI imaging spectroscopy results of X-ray bursts from solar flares are presented. In a first step, different spatial features such as footpoints, loops in-between footpoints, etc. are identified in the X-ray images. By reconstructing images at different energies (with a spectral resolution down to 1 keV) the X-ray photon spectrum for each of the spatial features can be extracted independently of each other. Here, images at high cadence (4 seconds) are analyzed allowing to follow the temporal evolution of the spectra of different spatial features. The results from imaging spectroscopy of individual spatial features are compared with the total spectrum and the differences are discussed.
For the event of February 20, 11:05 UT, in-situ observations at 1 AU of 1-300 keV electron taken by the 3DP instrument on the WIND spacecraft show an impulsive electron event of solar origin. The electron onset times at different energies reveal that the solar release time of these escaping electrons coincides with the HXR burst seen with RHESSI. Therefore, a direct comparison of the different X-ray photon spectra and the electron spectrum observed at 1 AU is possible.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34
© 2002. The American Astronomical Soceity.