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P.R. Wozniak (LANL), C. Akerlof (Michigan), D. Casperson, G. Gisler (LANL), R. Kehoe, B. Lee (Michigan), S. Marshall (LLNL), K.E. McGowan (LANL), T. McKay, E. Rykoff, D. A. Smith (Michigan), W.T. Vestrand, J. Wren (LANL), ROTSE Collaboration
The variability of the optical sky fainter than 8th magnitude is largely unknown. For almost 4 years the Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment (ROTSE-I) nightly patrolled all the sky visible from Los Alamos, NM. These observations constitute a valuable database for studying the variability of the sky in the 8--15.5 magnitude range. We report the preliminary results from an all-sky variability census using data taken between April 1999 and March 2000. This amounts to more than 225,000 wide field images totaling approximately 2.5 TB of data. The most difficult task for achieving this goal, reducing images to object lists, is nearly complete. The number of available observations varies between about 300 and 40 near declinations +90 deg and -30 deg respectively. Roughly 32,000 periodic variables are expected to be found based on the scaling of a pilot study. We present the results of preliminary scans through the database, including error distributions of measured fluxes and positions and the assessment of our potential to study non-periodic variability. Ultimately, all light curves will be distributed in the public domain.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34
© 2002. The American Astronomical Soceity.