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E. Barton Gillespie (University of Arizona), L. van Zee (Indiana University), M. A. Bershady (University of Wisconsin)
Intermediate-redshift surveys of the evolution of galaxies indicate that although the number counts of large disk galaxies are stable with redshift, blue compact galaxies evolve from z=0.2 to z=1. There are, however, different possibilities for the nature of these compact objects, ranging from starbursting low-mass (spheroidal) galaxies to regions of compact star formation within larger disk galaxies. With small half-light radii (1 - 3.5 kpc) and narrow emission-line velocity widths (35 - 150 km/s), compact narrow emission line galaxies (CNELGs) are the most extreme examples of these apparently small systems. We present a deep ground-based imaging study of these objects and discuss the range of morphologies observed in the low surface brightness light surrounding CNELGs.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34
© 2002. The American Astronomical Soceity.