AAS 200th meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 16. Atmospheric Heating and Dynamics I
Oral, Monday, June 3, 2002,
10:00-11:30am, Ballroom C
- 16.01D Empirically Determined Anisotropic Velocity Distributions and Outflows of O{}5+\ Ions in a Coronal Streamer at Solar Minimum
- R.A. Frazin, S.R. Cranmer, J.L. Kohl (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
- 16.02 Temperature and Density Measurements in a Quiet Coronal Streamer
- H.P. Warren, A.D. Warshall (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
- 16.03 Spectral observations of quiescent EUV loops
- A.R. Winebarger (Computational Physics, Inc.), J.T. Mariska (Naval Research Laboratory), H.P. Warren (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory)
- 16.04 Coronal Loops: Evolving Beyond the Isothermal Approximation
- J.T. Schmelz (University of Memphis), J.W. Cirtain (Montana State University), J.D. Allen (University of Memphis)
- 16.05 Methods of Temperature and Emission Measure Determination of Coronal Loops
- J.W. Cirtain (Montana State University), J.T. Schmelz (University of Memphis), P.C.H. Martens (Montana State University)
- 16.06 Active Region Loop Heating
- S. K. Antiochos, J. T. Karpen (NRL), E. E. DeLuca, L. Golub, P. Hamilton (CfA)
- 16.07 An Explanation for the ``Switch On" Character of Magnetic Energy Release
- J.A. Klimchuk, R.B. Dahlburg, S.K. Antiochos (Naval Research Lab)
- 16.08 Why Coronal Flux Tubes Have Axially Invariant Cross-section
- P. Bellan (Caltech)
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