AAS 200th meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 20. Pre-eruptive Magnetic Structures
Oral, Monday, June 3, 2002,
10:00-11:30am, San Miguel
- 20.01 What is the role of the kink instability in eruption of X-ray sigmoids?
- R. C. Canfield, R. J. Leamon, Z. Blehm (Physics Department, Montana State University), A. A. Pevtsov (National Solar Observatory, Sunspot)
- 20.02 Flare Activity and Magnetic Helicity Injection By Photospheric Horizontal Motions
- Y.-J. Moon (BBSO/NJIT, KAO), J. Chae (Chungnam National University), G. Choe (PPPL), H. Wang (BBSO/NJIT), Y. D. Park (KAO), H. S. Yun (Seoul National University), V. Yurchyshyn, P. R. Goode (BBSO/NJIT)
- 20.03 Photospheric Motions and CME Productivity
- A. Nindos (Section of Astrogeophysics, Physics Dept., U. Ioannina, Greece), H. Zhang (Beijing Astronomical Obs., Chinese Academy of Sciences, PR China)
- 20.04 Photospheric Vertical Current Density and Overlying Atmospheric Activity in an Emerging Flux Region
- M. K. Georgoulis, D. M. Rust, P. N. Bernasconi (The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory), B. Schmieder (Observatoire de Paris, France)
- 20.05 Forecasting Coronal Mass Ejections from Vector Magnetograms
- D. A. Falconer (UAH/MSFC/NSSTC), R. L. Moore, G. A. Gary (NASA/MSFC/NSSTC)
- 20.06 Pre-eruptive Coronal Model for a Magnetic Flux-tube
- M.A. Weber, P.A. Sturrock (Center for Space Science and Astrophysics, Stanford University)
- 20.07 Upper Bounds for Energy Storage in Coronal Magnetic Arcades
- R. Wolfson (Middlebury College)
- 20.08 Green Function Solutions For Reconstructing Coronal Magnetic Field From Magnetogram's Three Components
- H. Ji (BBSO/NJIT), M. Song (Purple Mountain Observatory, China), H. Wang (BBSO/NJIT)
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