AAS 200th meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 88. Atmospheric Heating and Dynamics II
Oral, Thursday, June 6, 2002,
2:00-3:30pm, San Miguel
- 88.01 Science Objectives of the Reconnection and Micrcoscale (RAM) Solar-Terrestrial Probe
- E.E. DeLuca, J. Bookbinder, L. Golub (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
- 88.02 Reconnection of Twisted Magnetic Flux Tubes
- M. G. Linton, R. B. Dahlburg, S. K. Antiochos (Naval Research Lab)
- 88.03 Torsional Tube Waves in the Solar Atmosphere
- M. Noble, Z.E. Musielak (Uni. Texas at Arlington)
- 88.04 Further Analysis of Short-Period Waves for Coronal Heating from the 1999 Eclipse
- D. B. Seaton (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), J. M. Pasachoff, B. A. Babcock, K. D. Russell (Hopkins Observatory, Williams College)
- 88.05 Detection of Ion Cyclotron Waves in a Coronal Hole
- T.G. Moran (CUA)
- 88.06 The 6 mHz Oscillations above Sunspots
- P. Brekke (European Space Agency), N. Brynildsen, P. Maltby, T. Fredvik, O. Kjeldseth-Moe (Inst. Theor. Astrophysics, Univ. Oslo)
- 88.07 Active Region Moss as a Diagnostic for the Thermal Evolution of Chromospheric Spicule-Like Jets, and for Coronal Heating.
- B. De Pontieu, T. Tarbell (Lockheed Martin Solar & Astrophysics Lab)
- 88.08 Coronal Heating and the Increase of Coronal Luminosity with Magnetic Flux
- R. L. Moore (NASA/MSFC/NSSTC), D. A. Falconer (UAH/MSFC/NSSTC), J. G. Porter, D. H. Hathaway (NASA/MSFC/NSSTC)
- 88.09 Long-Term Variation of Solar Coronal Fe XIV and Fe X Fluxes
- R. C. Altrock (Air Force Research Laboratory, Space Vehicles Directorate, National Solar Observatory at Sacramento Peak )
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