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J. Kauhanen, H. Savijarvi (Univ. of Helsinki), T. Siili, S. Jarvenoja (Finnish Meteorol. Inst.)
MLAM is based on HIRLAM (High Resolution Limited Area Model). HIRLAM is a mesoscale operational numerical weather prediction (NWP) model developed jointly and used operationally in, e.g., the five Nordic countries, the Netherlands, Ireland and Spain. The model has also been used for research.
As the current HIRLAM, MLAM is a hydrostatic model. (A nonhydrostatic version is under development.) It uses hybrid vertical coordinates (terrain-following sigma system near the surface changing into pressure coordinates at higher altitudes) with approximately 30 levels in the vertical. The model includes a comprehensive physics package, i.e., parametrisations for horizontal and vertical diffusion processes, convection, large-scale precipitation of H2O and radiative as well as surface processes. The model pole can be shifted to achieve approximately equidistant horizontal grid spacing in the simulation domain. The horizontal scale of the relevant phenomena is 10-1000 km.
The Division of Atmospheric Sciences, Department of Physical Sciences, University of Helsinki(UH/ATM) and Finnish Meteological Institute (FMI) are jointly modifying the HIRLAM for use in Martian mesoscale research. The initial modifications include e.g. a new radiation scheme based on that used in the UH/ATM 1- and 2-D Mars models and validated against line-by-line calculations by D. Crisp. Boundary and initial conditions are currently derived from the Mars Climate Database (version 2.3). First simulations are made on the Viking Lander and Pathfinder landing regions and compared against previous simulations with the UH 1-D and 2-D models.
Near-future model developments include implementation of CO2 and H2O condensation/sublimation, dust radiative tranfer and transport as well as water transport. Future regions of interest include Beagle 2, NetLander and other future landed mission sites, Hellas and Argyre basins, Valles Marineris and the polar regions.Replace these paragraphs with your abstract. We encourage you to include a sentence acknowledging your funding agency.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34, #3< br> © 2002. The American Astronomical Soceity.