DPS 34th Meeting, October 2002
Session 7. Centaurs and Kuiper Belt Objects I
Oral, Chair(s): M.E. Brown and D.P. Cruikshank, Monday, October 7, 2002, 2:30-3:30 and 4:00-4:30pm, Ballroom

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[7.07] ESO Large Program: Results from Visible and Infrared spectroscopy of Centaurs and TNOs.

M.A. Barucci (Obs. Paris, France), H. Boehnhardt (ESO, Chile (PI)), E. Dotto (INAF-Oss. Torino, INAF-Oss. Roma, Italy), M. Lazzarin (Univ. Padova, Italy), J. Romon, C. de Bergh, A. Doressoundiram (Obs. Paris, France), G.P. Tozzi (INAF-Oss. Firenze, Italy), S. Fornasier (Univ. Padova, Italy), J. Davies (Obs. Edinburgh, England), N. Peixinho (Obs. Paris, France), L. Barrera (UC Antofagasta, Chile), K. Birkle (MPIA Heidelberg, Germany), A. Delsanti, O. Hainaut (ESO, Chile), K. Meech (IFA Hawaai, USA), J.L. Ortiz (IAA Granada, Spain), T. Sekiguchi (NOAO Tokyo, Japan), N. Thomas (MPIAe Lindau, Germany), J. Watanabe (NOAO Tokyo, Japan), R.M. West (ESO Garching, Germany)

Within the framework of an ESO large program on Centaurs and TNOs, we present spectroscopic results obtained through visible and near-infrared observations performed with FORS1 and ISAAC at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) ESO - Cerro Paranal (Chile). Up today we obtained visible spectra for 12 objects. For 9 out of them we obtained also near infrared spectra in the range 1.1-2.45 micron. The visible spectra are mostly featureless and show slopes from neutral to red. Two objects, 2000 EB173 and 2000 GN171, show wide absorption dips centered around 600nm & 745nm and 700nm respectively, which resemble the absorptions due to aqueous alteration of the surface materials. The near infrared spectra have been obtained in the J, H and K bands. For some of them, we found indications of water ice absorptions at 1.5 and 2 micron at different level of detectability. Models have been computed using a radiative transfer code with a simple geographical mixture of organics, minerals and ices in order to have an indication of the possible surface composition. The obtained results will be presented and discussed.

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34, #3< br> © 2002. The American Astronomical Soceity.