DPS 34th Meeting, October 2002
Session 31. Education
Poster, Chair(s): , Thursday, October 10, 2002, 4:00-6:30pm, Exhibit Hall

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[31.02] A New NASA Web Site Designed to Assist Planetary Scientists in Setting Up and Doing Education and Outreach Activities.

P. W. Davis (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory)

With the increased emphasis on space scientists' involvement in education and public outreach efforts, many planetary scientists find themselves in a quandry about what to do and how to get started. Even those who have spent many years in such efforts may find themselves wanting to establish more national or global partnerships with E/PO professional organizations, either in formal education or in more public venues. As a part of the 6-year-old NASA Office of Space Science E/PO Support Network, the Solar System Exploration E/PO Forum has recently opened a web site to help make the task less time-consuming and more straightforward.

This poster paper will describe the initial contents of the "For Scientists" part of the web site and solicits comments and suggestions to make it more complete and more helpful. It is intended that all useful web links and other resources be readily available through the web site so that it is less difficult to find where to get assistance or whom to ask for help. The site is also intended to assist scientists more experienced in E/PO efforts of their own to expand those efforts to wider audiences.

Regional Broker/Facilitators exist in seven regions across the United States. Three other E/PO Forums (Sun-Earth Connection, Astronomical Search for Origins and Planetary Systems, and Structure and Evolution of the Universe) also exist. Contact information for the SSE Forum and the other elements of the Support Network is readily available at the web site, as is information on financial assistance available through NASA for E/PO activities and products. Hot links to other scientist E/PO assistance sites are also included.

If the author provided an email address or URL for general inquiries, it is as follows:


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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34, #3< br> © 2002. The American Astronomical Soceity.