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M.R.V. Sta. Maria, S.C.R. Rafkin (San Jose State University)
The Mars Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (MRAMS) is used to study atmospheric bores originating along the slopes of the Tharsis volcanoes. The existence of bores in this region has been known since Viking I imaged linear cloud features in the early morning during late spring and early summer. Four MRAMS simulations at Ls 90, 180, 262, and 360 were conducted with an emphasis on Olympus Mons. Results show strong downslope flows during the night, with near-surface winds exceeding 30 m/s. A bore wave forms along the narrow katabatic front, and travels at approximately 20-25 m/s. The simulations also show differences in the bore structure, speed and strength from season to season. It is deepest and fastest during summer and weakest during winter. Results are compared with Viking observations and theoretical treatments of atmospheric bores. This research was supported by the NASA Planetary Atmosphere Program and the NASA Mars Data Analysis Program.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34, #3< br> © 2002. The American Astronomical Soceity.