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N. Peixinho (LESIA, Obs. Paris & CAAUL, Obs. Lisboa), A.C. Delsanti (ESO & LESIA, Obs. Paris), H. Boehnhardt (ESO), M.A. Barucci (LESIA, Obs. Paris), L. Barrera (UCNorte, Chile), C. de Bergh (LESIA, Obs. Paris), K. Birkle (MPIA, Heidelberg), J. Davies (Obs. Edimburgh), A. Doressoundiram (LESIA, Obs. Paris), E. Dotto (Obs. Torino), O. Hainaut (ESO), M. Lazzarin (Obs. Padova), K. Meech (IfA, Hawaii), J.L. Ortiz (Inst. Astrofisica Andalucia-CSIC), J. Romon-Martin (LESIA, Obs. Paris), P. Rousselot (Obs. Besancon), T. Sekiguchi (NOAO, Tokyo), N. Thomas (MPI fur Aeronomie), G.P. Tozzi (Obs. Arcetri), J.I. Watanabe (NOAO, Tokyo), R. West (ESO)
We are exploring the physical properties of the Centaur and Trans-Neptunian Objects populations through a coordinated observing program in BVRIJHK photometry and visible-near IR spectroscopy at ESO telescopes. The aim is to establish a taxonomic classification scheme of this primordial icy bodies in the outer solar system. We present the results of about 50 objects in BVRI and about 20 in JHK from the still ongoing photometric observations. The existing database is analyzed in color-color plot, gradient statistics and correlations with dynamical properties of the objects. More specifically, we will address the (non)existence of a bimodal color distribution, reddening-inclination correlation and the cluster of red classical objects beyond 40 AU.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34, #3< br> © 2002. The American Astronomical Soceity.