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C. Runyon (SERCH), I. Hawkins (Sun Earth Connection Education Forum, UC Berkeley), NASA Office of Space Science Museums and Planetaria Working Group Team
"Space Science Portal" is a web resource with rich information that acts as a watering hole for museums, planetaria, and science center educators. Sponsored by the NASA Office of Space Science, the web site provides informal educators with access to best practices and research on how to meet the needs of their users, helping them outreach to the public. A Resources Section has links to the best NASA images, annimations and media, as well as contact information to a scientist speaker's bureau and to the OSS Support Network for Education and Public Outreach. Informal educators and space science education professionals can also post on the web site their plans for museum exhibits, planetarium shows, and other informal products and programs under development. This ideas exchange feature fosters collaboration and interactions between the science and informal education communities. We will demonstrate an early version of this resource and seek your feedback.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34, #3< br> © 2002. The American Astronomical Soceity.